Bezoek de beurs

11 - 12 oktober 2025 | Flanders Expo Gent | 10:00 – 17:00 uur

Macedonia, the new location for a second home?

How about Macedonia? With its unspoiled nature, bright sources and the oldest and most beautiful lake of Europe: Lake Ohrid. This country offers you everything you wish when thinking of a holiday destination in Southern Europe and much more! Today we want to keep enjoying our holidays, our well-deserved rest and we are even prepared to invest extra in it. Of course, preferably within an attractive climate, which means not only hours of sunshine but also financially we would like to stay well off.  For that reason we would like you to meet Macedonia and Lake Ohrid.

Do you like culinary pleasures and culture?

Come visit the land of Alexander the Great and Isis and admire the recently found treasures from ancient history. Drink the wine from grapes which have matured on the slopes of the famous wine-growing area “Stobi” that was so loved by the Ancient Romans. The city Ohrid, located near the lake of the same name, has a rich, turbulent history and culture which can be found in age-old orthodox churches with particular frescoes and icons. The city also has a market where Macedonians offer their merchandise such as honey, fruits and vegetables for sale. In summer Ohrid really has style with its many small bars and discos. Moreover several festivals take place then such as the Balkan Folklore Festival.

Do you prefer action and sports?

Discover Macedonia with its infinite skiing resorts in winter and water sports facilities in summer. You can also make beautiful walks in the mountains around Lake Ohrid.

Or maybe you just want nothing at all?

Imagine yourself lying at the crystal clear water of Europe’s oldest lake under a wonderful warm sun. In the evening you walk to one of the cosy terraces to enjoy the delicious food that the Macedonian kitchen offers you.

Perhaps you are looking for a healthy environment?

The Ohrid region in Macedonia is well-known for its extremely healthy air and numerous water sources. Thanks to the location of the Ohrid region, many people suffering from rheumatic and heart complains describe the climate as very agreeable, because of the dry air and the cooler nights. The maximum day temperature in summer is between 25°C and 35°C and the water temperature is between 22°C and 26°C. The nights are nicely cool because the lake lies at a height of 700 m. Whether you like culture and history or hiking in the unspoiled nature, whether you like water sports or rather a beach lover, whether you like the mountains and the peace or you opt for entertainment and cosiness, Macedonia has it all. A magnificent environment, rich culture, low price level but above all hospitable people! The city Ohrid offers the visitor really everything a tourist could expect from a modern seaside resort but this all in a centuries’ old ambiance which makes this region so attractive. Ohrid, Macedonia is beauty and splendour, culture and entertainment, never a dull moment and yet being able to find the well-deserved rest you were looking for. It is simply a delightful place and it is only a 2.5 hour-flight from Amsterdam or Brussels!

Let Macedonia surprise you!

Source: BNC group

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