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Investing in real estate in Spain

Investing in real estate in Spain, a project that really pays off  You can gain quite a profit by investing in real estate in Spain, provided that everything is done properly! Buying and then renovating a house in Spain is therefore definitely something that you should consider when you are thinking about buying a (holiday) home in Spain. Renovating an existing house can be an investment that you can earn back (and even make a nice profit on) quite quickly, and who does not want that?

Renovating in Spain

Many people will be scared by the thought of renovating a house in Spain. We always dream of a beautiful house under the sun, not of a construction site where construction workers are hammering, sawing, chopping and demolishing all day long. Still, renovating a house in Spain offers many advantages. It is so much more than just a renovation. In the end you have the house that you’ve always dreamed of, and you benefit from a significant value increase of the money that you put in! Indeed, renovating a house in Spain can be a golden investment!

An old Spanish house in the past

In March this design villa in Benissa will be completed. Not that long ago an old Spanish house was right where this beautiful villa is about to be. The old Spanish house could use some sprucing up, but the location of the property was perfect. The ports of Les Basettes and the beach of Fustera are just a stone’s throw away and the house offers an amazing view of the sea … And now a magnificent design villa
This Spanish house was sold less than a year ago and was completely renovated by the investors. The slightly dilapidated building has now turned into a luxurious design villa fitted with all the modern amenities. In less than 7 months’ time this old house was converted into a magnificent home at a wonderful location.

Value increase thanks to renovation

The renovations are almost over and slowly but steadily the house is taking on its new form. Of course a suchlike renovation project requires a serious investment, but the owners definitely get something in return: this ‘old’ Spanish house is now worth more than double of its original value! At the moment the house is for sale at an amount that exceeds the original cost price of the house plus the renovation costs.

A success story

Granted, this is an absolute success story. It is a textbook example of an investment that clearly (more than) pays off. Still, it is not that easy as this story might make it seem. There are plenty of aspects that determine whether renovating an existing house brings in the desired profit in the end. First and foremost, letting yourself be guided bythe right people is of crucial importance in case of renovation projects. Furthermore, it is of course essential that you cooperate with a reliable construction team. It is important that you choose people that you can trust in order to avoid unpleasant surprises later on.

Do not miss out on the opportunities

Opportunities like this simply do not fall into your lap. In Spain, there are houses that are perfectly suited to renovate and then sell with a nice profit later on, but you have to find them. Searching the Internet on a regular basis is an important tip. Of course there are also specific agencies that you can share all of your wishes with, so they can start looking for a property that fits you.

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